

Following a workshop series I co-taught (with Gregory J. Seigworth) at Affective Societies’ “The Power of Immersion: Performance, Affect, Politics” International Spring School at Freie Universität Berlin, I was invited to review Natalie Alvarez’ Immersions in Cultural Difference: Tourism, War, Performance for vol. 178 of Canadian Theatre Review. The book’s core citational arc no doubt belongs to performance studies—but the text deftly works together the initiating premises of feminist technoscience (that knowledge practices are never innocent and always do something) and affect studies (that what gets done makes bodies and subjectivities) and carries them along the weft of Alvarez’s disciplinary moorings to ask what worlds are being made or unmade in immersive simulations of war and dark tourism across colonial and Indigenous histories, sites, and practices.


Mathew Arthur, “Bodying Difference Differently,” Canadian Theatre Review no. 178, (2019): 81–82.