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Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to make room for rangy approaches and emerging voices in and around affect studies while resisting the critical ossification of affect inquiry into rigid theoretical postures and reified citational orbits. I act as co-editor-in-chief alongside Gregory J. Seigworth (editor of The Affect Theory Reader). Our editorial board includes well-published theorists like Lauren Berlant, Lawrence Grossberg, Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, Jasbir Puar, Steven Shaviro, and Kathleen Stewart. Capacious has been the best education in publishing: from imagining a user-centred submission process and web-first XML to print workflow to designing an asset and publishing management platform that interfaces with data harvesting systems. I conceptualized and coded Capacious’ online publishing architecture and design each print issue. I have led our participation in the Radical Open Access Collective. Contributors to the third issue include Meera Atkinson, Lauren Berlant, N. Katherine Hayles, Tony D. Sampson, and Julie A. Wilson and Emily Chivers Yochim.
178 pages
ISBN-10: 1720870268
ISBN-13: 978-1720870265
7 x 0.5 x 10 inches